Tuesday, July 21, 2020

What is XAMPP?

XAMPP is an abbreviation for cross-platform, Apache, MySQL, PHP and Perl, and it allows you to build WordPress site offline, on a local web server on your computer. This simple and lightweight solution works on Windows, Linux, and Mac – hence the “cross-platform” part.

 XAMPP provides two essential components for its installation – Apache, which is used to create the local server, and MySQL which you can use as a database for your website.

It allows us to create a local copy of the site in which we can try out new plugin updates before implementing them on its live version.

How to install XAMPP?

Step One:

The first step in setting up XAMPP: go to the Apache Friends website and download the file for the platform you are using. You will see separate download links for Windows, Linux and OS X. Note that there is no 64-bit version for Windows, but the 32-bit one works perfectly fine.
Find tge setup from the following link:
The file size is not that large (around 110MB).
After downloading it, launch the installer and XAMPP setup will begin.

Step Two: Initial Installation Steps

Sometimes, depending on your operating system, you may receive a security warning. Don’t worry, XAMPP is safe to install. When setup wizard pops up, click “Next”, and in the next window, you will be asked to select components you want to install.

Next, select the folder where you would like to install XAMPP on your computer. It’s up to you if you want to create a new folder or use the default path (C:\Program Files\XAMPP).

Step Three: XAMPP Setup

Clicking on the next your installation process will be started. The setup wizard will unpack and install all the selected components and will save them to their designated directory. The installation process takes a couple of minutes to complete.

Step Four: Running XAMPP

In the control panel, you will be able to control individual components of your text server. Here you can start or stop individual modules by clicking the buttons below “Actions”. The control panel contains various buttons like config, net stat, shell, explorer, services, help, quit. 
Config → It allows you to configure the XAMPP as well as the individual components
Netstat → Helps you to show all the current running process on the local system
Shell → It allows opening UNIX shell
Explorer → It will open the XAMPP folder in windows explorer
Services → Help to show all the services that are currently running in the back-end
Help → As the name implies it gives you links to the user forums
Quit → By clicking the button the XAMPP control panel will exit

Step Five: Getting Started

In the XAMPP control panel, click the necessary modules that are required for you to work. You can start the modules by clicking the “Start” button under “Actions”. You will be able to see the initiated modules highlighted in green. For example, if you are using WordPress platform then the required components are Apache and MYSQL.
Note: If you cannot start a module as a result of the error, then it will be indicated with a red font. They will provide you with a detailed report to identify the cause of an error.

Then by clicking the Apache or any “Admin” button in the XAMPP control panel, you will be able to configure each module settings separately.

That’s it, now in your web browser type localhost and you will be able to see a splash screen of XAMPP. Here you have to choose a language which you understand.  

By clicking the English button, you will be at the admin page of XAMPP.  

Now you have successfully installed XAMPP on your windows.

Hope you get an idea of what is XAMPP & install XAMPP on your localhost.

Thank you for visiting my blog.

Thursday, April 11, 2019

A CSS page 1

A CSS web page 1

A simple page using CSS.




list-style-type: none;
padding: 0;
margin: 0;

left: 5px;
width: 90px; }

.navbar li {
background: white;
margin: 7px 0;
padding: 8px;
border-bottom: 2px solid gray; }
border-bottom:2px solid gray;







border-top:1px dashed pink;
border-bottom:1px dashed pink;

a {
text-decoration: none; }


<div class="div1">

<div class="c3">
<!--<h1>Miraj's site</h1>-->
<div class="container">
<img src="banner.png" width="630" height="230" align="bottom" style="padding-top:20px;"></img>
<div class="imgtext">Miraj's site</div>

<div class="c1">

<ul class="navbar">
<li><a href="https://www.mirajlimbasia.blogsspot.com">Home</a></li>
<li><a href="https://www.mirajlimbasia.blogsspot.com">About Us</a></li>
<li><a href="https://www.mirajlimbasia.blogsspot.com">News</a></li>
<li><a href="https://www.mirajlimbasia.blogsspot.com">Contact Us</a></li>
<li><a href="https://www.mirajlimbasia.blogsspot.com">Links</a></li>


<div class="c2">
<p>Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry.Lorem
   Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since the 1500s,when
   an unknown printer took a galley of type and scranbled it to make a type
   specimen book. It has survived not only five cevturies, but also the leap into
   electronic typesetting, remaining essentially unchanged. It was popularised in the
   1960s with the release of Letraset sheetes containing Lorem Ipsum passages, and
   more recently with desktop publishing software like Aldus PageMaker including
   versions of Lorem Ipsum.
<p>Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry.Lorem
   Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since the 1500s,when
   an unknown printer took a galley of type and scranbled it to make a type
   specimen book. It has survived not only five cevturies, but also the leap into
   electronic typesetting, remaining essentially unchanged. It was popularised in the
   1960s with the release of Letraset sheetes containing Lorem Ipsum passages, and
   more recently with desktop publishing software like Aldus PageMaker including
   versions of Lorem Ipsum.


To show case use of iframes

use of iframes

In the following html code I have showed the use of iframe tag.Note that I have used a html page from my previous code.

In the src attribute of iframe tag you have to change exp5.html with the path of your html page.

<title>CSS Task-1</title>
body {
color: purple;
background-color: #d8da3f; }
.miraj {
list-style-type: none;
padding: 0;
margin: 0;
top: 32px;
left: 16px;
width: 150px; }

.miraj li {
background: white;
margin: 7px 0;
padding: 5px;
border-right: 15px solid black; }
.miraj a {
text-decoration: none; }
address {
margin-top: 15px;
padding-top: 15px;
border-top: thin dotted;


<ul class="miraj">
<li><a href="https://mirajlimbasia.blogspot.com">Home page</a></li>
<li><a href="https://mirajlimbasia.blogspot.com">Musings</a></li>
<li><a href="https://mirajlimbasia.blogspot.com">My town</a></li>
<li><a href="https://mirajlimbasia.blogspot.com">Links</a></li>

<iframe src="exp5.html"></iframe> 
<h1 style="font-family:verdana;">My first styled page</h1>

<p>Welcome to my styled page!</p>

<p>It lacks images, but at least it has style.<br>And it has links, even if they don't goanywhere...</p>
<p>There should be more here, but I don't know what yet.</p>

Made 5 April 2004<br>by myself.

HTML Forms

Form 1

                        <table >
                                <td>First Name</td>
                                <td><input type="text" size="25"></input></td>
                                <td>Last Name</td>
                                <td><input type="text" size="25"></input></td>
                                <td><input type="email" size="25"></input></td>
                                <td>Mobile Number</td>
                                <td><input type="tel" maxlength="10" size="25"></input></td>
                                <td class="comments">Address</td>
                                <td><textarea rows="4" cols="30"></textarea></td>
<option slected="true" disabled>-select country-</option>
<option data-countryCode="IN" value="91">India (+91)</option>
<option data-countryCode="DZ" value="213">Algeria (+213)</option>
<option data-countryCode="AD" value="376">Andorra (+376)</option>
<option data-countryCode="AO" value="244">Angola (+244)</option>
<option data-countryCode="AI" value="1264">Anguilla (+1264)</option>
<option data-countryCode="AG" value="1268">Antigua &amp; Barbuda (+1268)</option>
<option data-countryCode="AR" value="54">Argentina (+54)</option>
<option data-countryCode="AM" value="374">Armenia (+374)</option>
<option data-countryCode="AW" value="297">Aruba (+297)</option>
<option data-countryCode="AU" value="61">Australia (+61)</option>
<option data-countryCode="AT" value="43">Austria (+43)</option>
<option data-countryCode="AZ" value="994">Azerbaijan (+994)</option>
<option data-countryCode="BS" value="1242">Bahamas (+1242)</option>
<option data-countryCode="BH" value="973">Bahrain (+973)</option>
<option data-countryCode="BD" value="880">Bangladesh (+880)</option>
<option data-countryCode="BB" value="1246">Barbados (+1246)</option>
<option data-countryCode="BY" value="375">Belarus (+375)</option>
<option data-countryCode="BE" value="32">Belgium (+32)</option>
<option data-countryCode="BZ" value="501">Belize (+501)</option>
<option data-countryCode="BJ" value="229">Benin (+229)</option>
<option data-countryCode="BM" value="1441">Bermuda (+1441)</option>
<option data-countryCode="BT" value="975">Bhutan (+975)</option>
<option data-countryCode="BO" value="591">Bolivia (+591)</option>
<option data-countryCode="BA" value="387">Bosnia Herzegovina (+387)</option>
<option data-countryCode="BW" value="267">Botswana (+267)</option>
<option data-countryCode="BR" value="55">Brazil (+55)</option>
<option data-countryCode="BN" value="673">Brunei (+673)</option>
<option data-countryCode="BG" value="359">Bulgaria (+359)</option>
<option data-countryCode="BF" value="226">Burkina Faso (+226)</option>
<option data-countryCode="BI" value="257">Burundi (+257)</option>
<option data-countryCode="KH" value="855">Cambodia (+855)</option>
<option data-countryCode="CM" value="237">Cameroon (+237)</option>
<option data-countryCode="CA" value="1">Canada (+1)</option>
<option data-countryCode="CV" value="238">Cape Verde Islands (+238)</option>
<option data-countryCode="KY" value="1345">Cayman Islands (+1345)</option>
<option data-countryCode="CF" value="236">Central African Republic (+236)</option>
<option data-countryCode="CL" value="56">Chile (+56)</option>
<option data-countryCode="CN" value="86">China (+86)</option>
<option data-countryCode="CO" value="57">Colombia (+57)</option>
<option data-countryCode="KM" value="269">Comoros (+269)</option>
<option data-countryCode="CG" value="242">Congo (+242)</option>
<option data-countryCode="CK" value="682">Cook Islands (+682)</option>
<option data-countryCode="CR" value="506">Costa Rica (+506)</option>
<option data-countryCode="HR" value="385">Croatia (+385)</option>
<option data-countryCode="CU" value="53">Cuba (+53)</option>
<option data-countryCode="CY" value="90392">Cyprus North (+90392)</option>
<option data-countryCode="CY" value="357">Cyprus South (+357)</option>
<option data-countryCode="CZ" value="42">Czech Republic (+42)</option>
<option data-countryCode="DK" value="45">Denmark (+45)</option>
<option data-countryCode="DJ" value="253">Djibouti (+253)</option>
<option data-countryCode="DM" value="1809">Dominica (+1809)</option>
<option data-countryCode="DO" value="1809">Dominican Republic (+1809)</option>
<option data-countryCode="EC" value="593">Ecuador (+593)</option>
<option data-countryCode="EG" value="20">Egypt (+20)</option>
<option data-countryCode="SV" value="503">El Salvador (+503)</option>
<option data-countryCode="GQ" value="240">Equatorial Guinea (+240)</option>
<option data-countryCode="ER" value="291">Eritrea (+291)</option>
<option data-countryCode="EE" value="372">Estonia (+372)</option>
<option data-countryCode="ET" value="251">Ethiopia (+251)</option>
<option data-countryCode="FK" value="500">Falkland Islands (+500)</option>
<option data-countryCode="FO" value="298">Faroe Islands (+298)</option>
<option data-countryCode="FJ" value="679">Fiji (+679)</option>
<option data-countryCode="FI" value="358">Finland (+358)</option>
<option data-countryCode="FR" value="33">France (+33)</option>
<option data-countryCode="GF" value="594">French Guiana (+594)</option>
<option data-countryCode="PF" value="689">French Polynesia (+689)</option>
<option data-countryCode="GA" value="241">Gabon (+241)</option>
<option data-countryCode="GM" value="220">Gambia (+220)</option>
<option data-countryCode="GE" value="7880">Georgia (+7880)</option>
<option data-countryCode="DE" value="49">Germany (+49)</option>
<option data-countryCode="GH" value="233">Ghana (+233)</option>
<option data-countryCode="GI" value="350">Gibraltar (+350)</option>
<option data-countryCode="GR" value="30">Greece (+30)</option>
<option data-countryCode="GL" value="299">Greenland (+299)</option>
<option data-countryCode="GD" value="1473">Grenada (+1473)</option>
<option data-countryCode="GP" value="590">Guadeloupe (+590)</option>
<option data-countryCode="GU" value="671">Guam (+671)</option>
<option data-countryCode="GT" value="502">Guatemala (+502)</option>
<option data-countryCode="GN" value="224">Guinea (+224)</option>
<option data-countryCode="GW" value="245">Guinea - Bissau (+245)</option>
<option data-countryCode="GY" value="592">Guyana (+592)</option>
<option data-countryCode="HT" value="509">Haiti (+509)</option>
<option data-countryCode="HN" value="504">Honduras (+504)</option>
<option data-countryCode="HK" value="852">Hong Kong (+852)</option>
<option data-countryCode="HU" value="36">Hungary (+36)</option>
<option data-countryCode="IS" value="354">Iceland (+354)</option>
<option data-countryCode="ID" value="62">Indonesia (+62)</option>
<option data-countryCode="IR" value="98">Iran (+98)</option>
<option data-countryCode="IQ" value="964">Iraq (+964)</option>
<option data-countryCode="IE" value="353">Ireland (+353)</option>
<option data-countryCode="IL" value="972">Israel (+972)</option>
<option data-countryCode="IT" value="39">Italy (+39)</option>
<option data-countryCode="JM" value="1876">Jamaica (+1876)</option>
<option data-countryCode="JP" value="81">Japan (+81)</option>
<option data-countryCode="JO" value="962">Jordan (+962)</option>
<option data-countryCode="KZ" value="7">Kazakhstan (+7)</option>
<option data-countryCode="KE" value="254">Kenya (+254)</option>
<option data-countryCode="KI" value="686">Kiribati (+686)</option>
<option data-countryCode="KP" value="850">Korea North (+850)</option>
<option data-countryCode="KR" value="82">Korea South (+82)</option>
<option data-countryCode="KW" value="965">Kuwait (+965)</option>
<option data-countryCode="KG" value="996">Kyrgyzstan (+996)</option>
<option data-countryCode="LA" value="856">Laos (+856)</option>
<option data-countryCode="LV" value="371">Latvia (+371)</option>
<option data-countryCode="LB" value="961">Lebanon (+961)</option>
<option data-countryCode="LS" value="266">Lesotho (+266)</option>
<option data-countryCode="LR" value="231">Liberia (+231)</option>
<option data-countryCode="LY" value="218">Libya (+218)</option>
<option data-countryCode="LI" value="417">Liechtenstein (+417)</option>
<option data-countryCode="LT" value="370">Lithuania (+370)</option>
<option data-countryCode="LU" value="352">Luxembourg (+352)</option>
<option data-countryCode="MO" value="853">Macao (+853)</option>
<option data-countryCode="MK" value="389">Macedonia (+389)</option>
<option data-countryCode="MG" value="261">Madagascar (+261)</option>
<option data-countryCode="MW" value="265">Malawi (+265)</option>
<option data-countryCode="MY" value="60">Malaysia (+60)</option>
<option data-countryCode="MV" value="960">Maldives (+960)</option>
<option data-countryCode="ML" value="223">Mali (+223)</option>
<option data-countryCode="MT" value="356">Malta (+356)</option>
<option data-countryCode="MH" value="692">Marshall Islands (+692)</option>
<option data-countryCode="MQ" value="596">Martinique (+596)</option>
<option data-countryCode="MR" value="222">Mauritania (+222)</option>
<option data-countryCode="YT" value="269">Mayotte (+269)</option>
<option data-countryCode="MX" value="52">Mexico (+52)</option>
<option data-countryCode="FM" value="691">Micronesia (+691)</option>
<option data-countryCode="MD" value="373">Moldova (+373)</option>
<option data-countryCode="MC" value="377">Monaco (+377)</option>
<option data-countryCode="MN" value="976">Mongolia (+976)</option>
<option data-countryCode="MS" value="1664">Montserrat (+1664)</option>
<option data-countryCode="MA" value="212">Morocco (+212)</option>
<option data-countryCode="MZ" value="258">Mozambique (+258)</option>
<option data-countryCode="MN" value="95">Myanmar (+95)</option>
<option data-countryCode="NA" value="264">Namibia (+264)</option>
<option data-countryCode="NR" value="674">Nauru (+674)</option>
<option data-countryCode="NP" value="977">Nepal (+977)</option>
<option data-countryCode="NL" value="31">Netherlands (+31)</option>
<option data-countryCode="NC" value="687">New Caledonia (+687)</option>
<option data-countryCode="NZ" value="64">New Zealand (+64)</option>
<option data-countryCode="NI" value="505">Nicaragua (+505)</option>
<option data-countryCode="NE" value="227">Niger (+227)</option>
<option data-countryCode="NG" value="234">Nigeria (+234)</option>
<option data-countryCode="NU" value="683">Niue (+683)</option>
<option data-countryCode="NF" value="672">Norfolk Islands (+672)</option>
<option data-countryCode="NP" value="670">Northern Marianas (+670)</option>
<option data-countryCode="NO" value="47">Norway (+47)</option>
<option data-countryCode="OM" value="968">Oman (+968)</option>
<option data-countryCode="PW" value="680">Palau (+680)</option>
<option data-countryCode="PA" value="507">Panama (+507)</option>
<option data-countryCode="PG" value="675">Papua New Guinea (+675)</option>
<option data-countryCode="PY" value="595">Paraguay (+595)</option>
<option data-countryCode="PE" value="51">Peru (+51)</option>
<option data-countryCode="PH" value="63">Philippines (+63)</option>
<option data-countryCode="PL" value="48">Poland (+48)</option>
<option data-countryCode="PT" value="351">Portugal (+351)</option>
<option data-countryCode="PR" value="1787">Puerto Rico (+1787)</option>
<option data-countryCode="QA" value="974">Qatar (+974)</option>
<option data-countryCode="RE" value="262">Reunion (+262)</option>
<option data-countryCode="RO" value="40">Romania (+40)</option>
<option data-countryCode="RU" value="7">Russia (+7)</option>
<option data-countryCode="RW" value="250">Rwanda (+250)</option>
<option data-countryCode="SM" value="378">San Marino (+378)</option>
<option data-countryCode="ST" value="239">Sao Tome &amp; Principe (+239)</option>
<option data-countryCode="SA" value="966">Saudi Arabia (+966)</option>
<option data-countryCode="SN" value="221">Senegal (+221)</option>
<option data-countryCode="CS" value="381">Serbia (+381)</option>
<option data-countryCode="SC" value="248">Seychelles (+248)</option>
<option data-countryCode="SL" value="232">Sierra Leone (+232)</option>
<option data-countryCode="SG" value="65">Singapore (+65)</option>
<option data-countryCode="SK" value="421">Slovak Republic (+421)</option>
<option data-countryCode="SI" value="386">Slovenia (+386)</option>
<option data-countryCode="SB" value="677">Solomon Islands (+677)</option>
<option data-countryCode="SO" value="252">Somalia (+252)</option>
<option data-countryCode="ZA" value="27">South Africa (+27)</option>
<option data-countryCode="ES" value="34">Spain (+34)</option>
<option data-countryCode="LK" value="94">Sri Lanka (+94)</option>
<option data-countryCode="SH" value="290">St. Helena (+290)</option>
<option data-countryCode="KN" value="1869">St. Kitts (+1869)</option>
<option data-countryCode="SC" value="1758">St. Lucia (+1758)</option>
<option data-countryCode="SD" value="249">Sudan (+249)</option>
<option data-countryCode="SR" value="597">Suriname (+597)</option>
<option data-countryCode="SZ" value="268">Swaziland (+268)</option>
<option data-countryCode="SE" value="46">Sweden (+46)</option>
<option data-countryCode="CH" value="41">Switzerland (+41)</option>
<option data-countryCode="SI" value="963">Syria (+963)</option>
<option data-countryCode="TW" value="886">Taiwan (+886)</option>
<option data-countryCode="TJ" value="7">Tajikstan (+7)</option>
<option data-countryCode="TH" value="66">Thailand (+66)</option>
<option data-countryCode="TG" value="228">Togo (+228)</option>
<option data-countryCode="TO" value="676">Tonga (+676)</option>
<option data-countryCode="TT" value="1868">Trinidad &amp; Tobago (+1868)</option>
<option data-countryCode="TN" value="216">Tunisia (+216)</option>
<option data-countryCode="TR" value="90">Turkey (+90)</option>
<option data-countryCode="TM" value="7">Turkmenistan (+7)</option>
<option data-countryCode="TM" value="993">Turkmenistan (+993)</option>
<option data-countryCode="TC" value="1649">Turks &amp; Caicos Islands (+1649)</option>
<option data-countryCode="TV" value="688">Tuvalu (+688)</option>
<option data-countryCode="UG" value="256">Uganda (+256)</option>
<option data-countryCode="GB" value="44">UK (+44)</option>
<option data-countryCode="UA" value="380">Ukraine (+380)</option>
<option data-countryCode="AE" value="971">United Arab Emirates (+971)</option>
<option data-countryCode="UY" value="598">Uruguay (+598)</option>
<option data-countryCode="UZ" value="7">Uzbekistan (+7)</option>
<option data-countryCode="VU" value="678">Vanuatu (+678)</option>
<option data-countryCode="VA" value="379">Vatican City (+379)</option>
<option data-countryCode="VE" value="58">Venezuela (+58)</option>
<option data-countryCode="VN" value="84">Vietnam (+84)</option>
<option data-countryCode="VG" value="84">Virgin Islands - British (+1284)</option>
<option data-countryCode="VI" value="84">Virgin Islands - US (+1340)</option>
<option data-countryCode="WF" value="681">Wallis &amp; Futuna (+681)</option>
<option data-countryCode="YE" value="969">Yemen (North)(+969)</option>
<option data-countryCode="YE" value="967">Yemen (South)(+967)</option>
<option data-countryCode="ZM" value="260">Zambia (+260)</option>
<option data-countryCode="ZW" value="263">Zimbabwe (+263)</option>
                        <td><input type="tel" size="25"></input></td>
                        <td><input type="text" size="25"></input></td>
                        <td><input type="tel" size="25"></input></td>
                        <td class="comments">Highest Degree</td>
                        <td><ul style="list-style-type:none;">
                        <li><input type="radio" name="degree" value="B.Tech">B.Tech</input></li>
<li><input type="radio" name="degree" value="M.Tech">M.Tech</input></li>
<li><input type="radio" name="degree" value="PhD">PhD</input></li>
                        <td><input type="submit"></td>

Thursday, March 21, 2019

Irregular tables

Irregular table 

<title>Irregular table 1</title>
border:1px solid black;
<table border="1" cellpadding="10">
<td rowspan="2" > </td>
<th colspan="2">Mars</th>
<th colspan="2">Venus</th>
<th>Teddy Bears</th>

<th>Board Games</th>


Irregular table 2

<head> <title>Irregular_table 2</title>
border:1px solid black;
<table border="1">
<th>Poster name</th>
<th colspan="3">size available</th>
<th rowspan="3">Zodiac</th>
<th>Full color</th>
<th>Black and white</th>
<th rowspan="2">Angles</th>
<th>Black and white</th>

Irregular Table 3

<title>Irregular table 3</title>
border:3px solid grey;
<table border="1">
<td align="center">cell1 text</td>
<td>cell2 text A<br>cell2textB</td>
<td align="center">cell3 text</td>
<td>a long piece of cell textall on one line without a break</td>
<td><i>cell text</i></td>
<td align="right">cell text aligned right</td>
<th>cell text</th>
<td> </td>
<td bgcolor="yellow">graphic background</td>
<td colspan="3" align="center">Mid table Heading</td>
<td>Things to do today</td>
<th rowspan ="5">W<br>E<br>E<br>K<br> <br>26</th>
<td bgcolor="red">Things to do on tuesday</td>
<td bgcolor="red">Tuesday</td>
<td>Things to do today</td>
<td bgcolor="green" align="center">Things to do today</td>
<td bgcolor="green">Thursday</td>
<td>stuff to tidy up <b>before the weekend</b></td>

Irregular Table 4

<title>Irregular table 4</title>
border:6px solid red;
border:6px solid blue;
border:5px solid black;
border:4px solid red;
<table border="1" cellpadding="20">
<th style="color:blue;">header1</th>
<th style="color:blue;">header2</th>
<th style="color:blue;">header3</th>
<th style="color:blue;">header4</th>
<td>  </td>
<td rowspan="4">  </td>
<td rowspan="2">  </td>
<td>  </td>
<td>  </td>
<td rowspan="3">  </td>
<td>  </td>
<td>  </td>
<td>  </td>
<td rowspan="2">  </td>
<td>  </td>
<td rowspan="2">  </td>
<td rowspan="4">  </td>
<td>  </td>
<td rowspan="3">  </td>
<td>  </td>
<td rowspan="2">  </td>
<td>  </td>

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XAMPP is an abbreviation for cross-platform, Apache, MySQL, PHP and Perl, and it allows you to build WordPress site offline, on a local ...